Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Games We Play

We had a really good time at my sister's place yesterday, and now the kids and I are back home. 

I'm looking forward to this evening, as my daughter and I will be playing cards together again tonight.  I love to play games and I'm really excited that she's now at the age where I have a partner in gaming.

It's hard to choose, but some of my favorites are Catch Phrase, Taboo, Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble. I LOVE card games too. My friends and I from back home used to play 9-5 Set Back all of the time. Those are times that I really miss.

My daughter is not ready for these games yet, but we have played a lot of Candy Land, Connect 4 and Chutes and Ladders in the past, and most recently, UNO.
Boy am I glad that I tried this card game with her, because we've been having a lot of fun playing together on a nightly basis. This time spent with her is something that I look forward to all day.

Another card game, that I've recently introduced to her, is called Skip-Bo.  It's another one of my favorites, by the makers of Uno.  She's enjoying this game too and it's great because it's reinforcing her knowledge of numbers. 

I'm impressed at how well she's done.
What are some of your families favorites?

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